Installation of two I AM HYDROCams in Gmunden (Germany)

Projects Installation of two I AM HYDROCams in Gmunden (Austria) Installation of two I AM HYDROCams in Gmunden, Austria, to verify the functionality of a fish passage facility on the Gmundner Traun River. Additional References Our Projects I AM HYDRO GmbH is an internationally operating company. Since our establishment, we have been involved in a […]

I AM HYDRO Cams Lake Trout Monitoring Muota (Switzerland)

Projects I AM HYDRO Lake Trout Monitoring in Muota (Switzerland) Installation of two I AM HYDRO camera systems on the Muota River, a tributary of Lake Lucerne, for lake trout monitoring Additional References Our Projects The I AM HYDRO GmbH is an internationally operating company. Since its inception, we have been involved in a variety […]

Survey of Wiesent Tributaries (Bavaria)

Projects Surveying of Wiesent River Tributaries (Bavaria, Germany) Surveying of several tributaries of the Wiesent River in Franconian Switzerland as part of a study to enhance habitats in tributary waters. Additional References Our Projects The I AM HYDRO GmbH is an internationally operating company. Since its inception, we have been involved in a variety of […]

I AM HYDROCams Tiroler Achen in Bavaria (Germany)

Projects I AM HYDROCams, Tiroler Achen (Bavaria, Germany) Installation of two I AM HYDRO camera systems on the Tiroler Achen, a tributary of Lake Chiemsee in Bavaria, for the functional monitoring of fish migration and lake trout monitoring Additional References Our Projects The I AM HYDRO GmbH is an internationally operating company. Since its inception, […]

Riverwatcher in the Floodplain Meadows

Projects Riverwatcher in the Zugwiesen Installation of a VAKI Riverwatcher fish counter in the natural bypass channel Zugwiesenbach near Ludwigsburg for monitoring the migratory activity of fish in the Neckar River. Additional References Our Projects The I AM HYDRO GmbH is an internationally operating company. Since its inception, we have been involved in a variety […]