Lecture at the University of Stuttgart
Lecture at the University of Stuttgart: “Limnology and Ecohydraulic: Theory and Application”)
Surveying and Consulting within the Project: ‘Hydro4U: Hydropower For You – Sustainable Small-Scale Hydropower in Central Asia’
Hydro4U is a project funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program aimed at promoting sustainable small-scale hydropower in Central Asia.
Survey at the Mamasa River
Abflussmessungen, Drohnenbefliegungen und GPS-Vermessungen am Mamasa-River auf Sulawesi für eine Mindestwasseruntersuchung im Rahmen des Bakaru II Hydropower Projects.
Field study Shohimardon
Feldstudie zur Untersuchung der Durchgängigkeit und Mindestwasserabgabe eines Kraftwerkneubaus in Shohimardon (Usbekistan) im Rahmen des EU-geförderten HYDRO4U-Projektes.
Workshop Bathymetry
Workshop on bathymetric measurements in Bakaru, Sulawesi.
Camera surveillance of the water levels in Baden-Württemberg
Development of a concept for retrofitting water level measurement points with camera systems.
Sediment sampling and survey of gravel bars along the Danube
Sedimentprobenahme und Drohnenvermessung von sieben Kiesbänken der Donau bei Kelheim
Survey of Dijle
Survey of the Dijle River for the detectability and passability of a fish passage facility
Lecture at the University of Stuttgart
Intensive Course: “Limnology and Ecohydraulics – Theory and Application” at the University of Stuttgart (Germany)
Survey of the Schussen
Surveying three sections of the Schussen River as part of a minimum flow investigation.