Hands-On Training in surveying water bodies in Bhutan

Hands-On Training on aquatic data collection in Bhutan. The training covered the use of tachymeters, GPS, UAS (Unmanned Aerial Systems), ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler), and hand-held ADV (Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter)

Survey at the Mamasa River

Abflussmessungen, Drohnenbefliegungen und GPS-Vermessungen am Mamasa-River auf Sulawesi für eine Mindestwasseruntersuchung im Rahmen des Bakaru II Hydropower Projects.

Field study Shohimardon

Feldstudie zur Untersuchung der Durchgängigkeit und Mindestwasserabgabe eines Kraftwerkneubaus in Shohimardon (Usbekistan) im Rahmen des EU-geförderten HYDRO4U-Projektes.

Technology transfer Bhutan

Projects Technology Transfer Bhutan As part of the E-Flow project for the National Environmental Commission (NEC) Bhutan, a field workshop for data collection on rivers to establish residual flow standards was conducted in November and December. In addition to traditional data collection methods, the use of multicopters for data gathering was also introduced to the […]

Workshop on Integrating Drones in the Thai Water Management Sector

Projects Workshop on the Integration of Drones in the Thai Water Management Sector During the workshop on the integration of drones into the Thai water management sector, participants gained not only the theoretical background but also a measurement routine for data collection at water bodies, both with and without drones. The workshop aimed to achieve […]