Symposium 2019
Event Symposium 2019 On May 22nd and 23rd, 2019, this year’s symposium on the technical monitoring of fish, with a focus on neozoa and fish protection, took place. The event was supported, as in previous years, by the Association for Ecology and Environmental Research (VÖU) and this year, by the Gießen Regional Council (Regierungspräsidium Gießen) […]
Survey of Wiesent Tributaries (Bavaria)
Projects Surveying of Wiesent River Tributaries (Bavaria, Germany) Surveying of several tributaries of the Wiesent River in Franconian Switzerland as part of a study to enhance habitats in tributary waters. Additional References Our Projects The I AM HYDRO GmbH is an internationally operating company. Since its inception, we have been involved in a variety of […]
Feasibility Study of the Baro-Akobo-Sobat System in South Sudan for Navigation
Projects Feasibility Study of the Baro-Akobo-Sobat System in South Sudan Bathymetric Survey and Aerial Exploration of the Baro-Akobo-Sobat Water Network in South Sudan as part of the ‘Real-time Navigability Assessment of South Sudan Waterways’ project by the UN-WFP. Additional References Our Projects The I AM HYDRO GmbH is an internationally operating company. Since its inception, […]
Training in ‘Surveying and Structure from Motion (SfM)’ for the Bavarian State Fishery Association
Projects Training in ‘Surveying and Structure from Motion (SfM)’ for the Bavarian State Fishery Association Vermessung, Befliegung und Abflussmessungen an der Dürrach an der Grenze zu Tirol oberhalb des Sylvensteinspeichers im Zuge eines Dotierversuchs. Additional References Our Projects I AM HYDRO GmbH is an internationally operating company. Since our establishment, we have been involved in […]
Temperature monitoring Iller weir stages
Projects Temperature monitoring at the Iller Temperature Monitoring in three reservoir areas of the Iller River as part of the ‘Agile Iller’ project. Additional References Our Projects I AM HYDRO GmbH is an internationally operating company. Since our establishment, we have been involved in a wide range of projects both domestically and abroad.
Oxygen Monitoring at the Iller Weir Stages
Projects Oxygen monitoring at the Iller weir stages Oxygen Monitoring in three reservoir areas of the Iller River. Additional References Our Projects I AM HYDRO GmbH is an internationally operating company. Since our establishment, we have been involved in a wide range of projects both domestically and abroad.
I AM HYDROCams Tiroler Achen in Bavaria (Germany)
Projects I AM HYDROCams, Tiroler Achen (Bavaria, Germany) Installation of two I AM HYDRO camera systems on the Tiroler Achen, a tributary of Lake Chiemsee in Bavaria, for the functional monitoring of fish migration and lake trout monitoring Additional References Our Projects The I AM HYDRO GmbH is an internationally operating company. Since its inception, […]
Lecture at the University of Stuttgart
Projects Lecture at the University of Stuttgart (Germany) Guest lecture “Drone-Based Water Assessment: Introduction, Fundamentals, and Examples” in the field of Measuring, Monitoring, and Modeling (MMM) Additional References Our Projects The I AM HYDRO GmbH is an internationally operating company. Since its inception, we have been involved in a variety of projects both domestically and […]
Symposium 2018
Veranstaltung Symposium 2018 Am 05. und 06. Juni 2018 fand das diesjährige Symposium zum technischen Monitoring von Fischen, mit dem Schwerpunkt Fischabstieg und Verhältnismäßigkeit statt. Unterstützt wurde die Veranstaltung in diesem Jahr vom Verein für Ökologie und Umweltforschung (VÖU) sowie der Kraftwerke Oberhasli AG (KWO) und der BKW Energie AG. Die Veranstaltung war in diesem […]
Feasibility Study on the White Nile Navigation in South Sudan
Projects Feasibility Study on the White Nile in South Sudan Bathymetric Survey of the White Nile in South Sudan between Juba and Bor as part of the ‘River Barge System Feasibility Study’ by UNOPS Additional References Our Projects The I AM HYDRO GmbH is an internationally operating company. Since its inception, we have been involved […]